龚仓, 马玲玲, 成杭新, 徐殿斗, 刘应汉, 刘飞, 张博, 李柏, 刘志明, 郎春燕
Characterization of the particle size fractionation associated heavy metals in typical black and bog arable soils
GONG Cang, MA Lingling, CHENG Hangxin, XU Diandou, LIU Yinghan, LIU Fei, ZHANG Bo, LI Bai, LIU Zhiming, LANG Chunyan
生态环境学报 . 2012, (9): 1635 -1639 .  DOI: 10.16258/j.cnki.1674-5906(2012)09-1635-05